The Fellowship of the Rally

Meet the people making Leeds of the Rings Rally happen! Any questions or concerns? Contact Us or you can find us at Rally in our orange beanies and green committee hoodies.

Core Team

Meet the people keeping the rest of the committee in check, sanity checking their purchases and keeping everyone in loop. Look out for us running around at rally with walkie-talkies, trying to keep things running smoothly!

Logistics Team

Meet the team making sure we have all the equipment needed to set up for rally and that everyone gets where they need to be at the right time!

Activities and Catering Team

These guys are in charge of making sure everyone has a fun rally, ensuring we have a wide range of activities on offer and more importantly keep all of SSAGO happy with some delicious food!

Merch, Media and Accessibility Team

Meet the team in charge of our branding, publicity and accessibility. They make sure that our merch is stunning, our social media is beautiful and the accessibility at the event is excellent!

General Committee Team

Meet the people who pick up all the weird and wonderful jobs that Rally has to offer, from designing and organising the evening activities, to sorting the washing up bowls and everything inbetween!

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact